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Trans comedian left ‘shivering’ after being heckled on-stage and called a ‘shemale’ by YouTube pranksters 20Nov2019 10:13 EST

A trans comedian was left “shivering” after being heckled and harassed by YouTube pranksters in Pakistan, being called a “shemale”.

According to local media, Anaya Sheikh, a Lahore-based blogger, performed at a comedy night when Sharik Shah hurled jeers at her.

He eventually got onto the stage, leading to a night so traumatic for Skeikh she said she doesn’t have the “courage” to watch any recordings of the night.

Transphobic YouTuber shoves way onto stage to harass trans comic Anaya Sheikh, leaving her ‘shivering’.

Wearing a top that read …

Full story:​n-lahore-pakistan-sharik-shah-youtube/